About the project
Earth’s population is about to become the oldest it has ever been: by the year 2030, 1 in 6 people will be over the age of 60. In the seven years leading up to 2030, photographers around the world will show us what it looks like to live in this historic time.
Introducing 1 in 6
A conversation with VII Insider
Join us for a talk about '1 in 6 by 2030'. Sara Terry, Ed Kashi, and Ilvy Njiokiktjien share the stage with Nancy McGuire, John Curry, and Einar Njiokiktjien, giving us a genuine look into the stories behind their documentary.
1 in 6 by 2030 is a global, collaborative project that brings together photographers from around the world to put a human face on one of the most important "statistics" of our time — the fact that by the year 2030, 1 in 6 people in the world will be over the age of 60.
Earth’s population is about to become the oldest it has ever been: by the year 2030, 1 in 6 people will be over the age of 60. In the seven years leading up to 2030, photographers around the world will show us what it looks like to live in this historic time.
This is a historic moment for the world — one filled with challenges and also huge potential — as individuals, societies and governments confront one of the most fundamental population shifts in human history. This seven-year-long project will feature a series of photo essays that bring these issues to life from around the world.
Photographers Ed Kashi and Ilvy Njiokiktjien, have both had a long interest in issues surrounding aging. They invited photographer Sara Terry, their colleague from VII Photo, who focuses on long-term projects, to join them in creating a multi-year, visual storytelling archive that documents an unprecedented moment in the history of humankind.

Global collaboration
1 in 6 by 2030 is designed as a collaborative project with photographers working in their own communities around the world. In creating this framework, Kashi, Njiokiktjien, and Terry wanted to emphasize diversity, local representation, cost effectiveness and mindfulness about the impact of travel on the earth’s climate.
Funding & Partners
The upcoming chapter 'Climate Elders' (launch 2025) is supported by Thomas M. Neff.
We're proud to collaborate with a diverse group of partners. Please reach out if you'd like to learn more.
Decade of Healthy Ageing
The UN Decade of Healthy Ageing is a global effort to foster longevity with vitality by promoting an inclusive society that values, supports, and engages older populations.
Global Campaign to Combat Ageism
The Global Campaign to Combat Ageism, led by the World Health Organization, is a global effort aimed at building a world for all ages by changing the way we think, feel and act toward aging.
HelpAge International
HelpAge International champions the rights and well-being of older people worldwide, aiming for a world where all can live dignified, healthy, and secure lives.
Impact and goals
1 in 6 by 2030 aims to support a widespread conversation about this promising – and challenging – era in human history. Launched in 2023, the project will feature at least two storytelling chapters a year from photographers around the world.
We aim to engage editors and provide them with multiple ways of telling these important stories. We welcome partnerships with NGOs, educators, non-profits and others working in this field who are seeking to elevate dialogue, plan for the future and envision ways to create positive change.