Square dancing has provided a built-in social dynamic for Sue, introducing her to new people and establishing long-term friendships. She is proud of the support system it creates for dancers who are experiencing health and age-related challenges.
Square dancing has provided a built-in social dynamic for Sue, introducing her to new people and establishing long-term friendships. She is proud of the support system it creates for dancers who are experiencing health and age-related challenges.

In the United States, in the growing town of Fulshear, Texas, Sue Blanchard can be found among family, friends, and layers of ruffled petticoats. Having fallen in love with square dancing as a teenager in Northern California during the early 1960’s, she gave up her beloved hobby in 1976 to focus on family and pursue various careers. Later following her children to Texas, she now enjoys a semi-retirement, earning an income from renting her home and living with family. This dynamic has afforded her the opportunity to re-engage with her square dance passion, joining multiple clubs across the state and traveling to participate with them weekly.

Presently she volunteers her time as an Exhibition Coordinator and Publicity Director for the Houston Square and Round Dance Council, creating performance opportunities for both the dancers and the live callers. Through this, she helps to promote awareness of the dance form with the goal of increasing engagement and membership, an important feat as the 2020 pandemic saw the number of square dancers dwindling nation-wide. Now made predominantly of dancers over the age of sixty, Sue strives to secure the future of square dancing by presenting and teaching it to people of all ages.

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How does it feel to be 72?

Why did you retire or why are you still working?

Why did you retire?

Why are you still working?

I feel good... for the most part. As long as I am active, I feel good!

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What do you look forward to?

Dancing! I figured out that the endorphins from dancing keep me dancing and keeps me happy. Not dancing does NOT make me happy. I look forward to everything, but dancing is my passion.

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What is your biggest concern?

That the body will give out before the brain does and I won’t be able to dance. God willing I’ll stay healthy for a long time and be able to be active for a long time. I’m not willing to sit down and roll over yet. I see some of my friends doing that, or getting to a point where they can no longer do things, and I don’t want to be there yet. I might be old, but I don’t want to BE old.

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Life expectancy 2023

United States

About the photographer

Heather McAdoo


Heather McAdoo is an American photographer based out of Houston, Texas. Through documentary, she advocates for arts and culture within communities and underscores the importance of visual imagery in heritage preservation.

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