Frederic M. playing piano.
Frederic M. playing piano.

As an architect, Frederic has worked for a major construction firm and several architectural agencies before transitioning to consulting for big players in the industry. His interest in construction law led him to develop a new activity at the intersection of construction techniques, legal matters, and mediation. Frederic had the opportunity to collaborate on various projects, ranging from individual houses to public infrastructures, supporting builders both in France and internationally.

Travel has always been a significant component of Frederic's professional responsibilities. For him, there's nothing quite like the joy of exploring the outdoors, whether amidst mountains, across seas, through rural landscapes, or within bustling urban settings. His summers have been defined by mountain retreats, scaling picturesque peaks—a cherished family tradition passed down to his two sons. Today, he maintains his enthusiasm for poring over maps, crafting itineraries, and then immersing himself in their exploration, step by step, as walking has become his preferred mode of travel. He began a significant walk a few years ago during a trip between his two homes, from Versailles to Trouville-sur-Mer. 

Since then, each year has been punctuated by two or three major hikes. Recently, he completed an extensive route spanning several years, comprising quiet journeys on foot, by bicycle, and by sail. These routes wind through natural landscapes and cities situated along historical thoroughfares, showcasing notable architectural marvels, often of religious, ancient, or contemporary significance. Arriving on foot in one of these cities nestled along Europe's major thoroughfares, rediscovering urban life, observing their architectural evolution, and understanding the economic, cultural, and architectural endeavors that have molded them, has consistently been a thrilling experience for Frederic—especially following several days of solitude and communion with nature.

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How does it feel to be 72?

Why did you retire or why are you still working?

Why did you retire?

Why are you still working?

Presently, I split my time between Paris and Normandy, effectively juggling consulting and managerial duties within the company I joined in my youth. Having played a pivotal role in its evolution and prosperity, I ascended from a mere contributor to an associate, ultimately assuming the roles of CEO and now Chairman of the Board. I steadfastly uphold the company's core values and acknowledge the efforts of those who collaborate in its advancement alongside me.

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What do you look forward to?

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What is your biggest concern?

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Life expectancy 2023


About the photographer

Eric Bouvet


Eric Bouvet, born in Paris in 1961, captured history through his lens. From conflicts to international events, his work spans four decades, documenting wars and pivotal moments worldwide.

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