Rabbi Margaret Holub prepares for Saturday services, working in the comfort of her home.
Rabbi Margaret Holub prepares for Saturday services, working in the comfort of her home.

During Rabbi Margaret's college years, she grappled with profound questions of morality, exploring Catholicism and encountering radical Christianity, such as the Catholic Worker movement. These experiences ignited her interest in her Jewish heritage. From there, she embarked on a journey to learn Jewish rituals and delve into the Torah, ultimately leading her to pursue rabbinical school.

Attending Hebrew Union College, the Reform movement's seminary, she found herself in a contrasting environment: white bread academia during the school year, and immersive engagement with the Catholic Worker movement and Skid Row's homeless population during breaks. This exposure to diverse worlds profoundly shaped her, nurturing her commitment to advocating for marginalized communities alongside her rabbinical studies.

Though Rabbi Margaret engages in occasional activism, her focus lies in daily life among her community, experiencing its challenges and joys. Presently, she is supporting Rabbis for Ceasefire, which was formed as an ad hoc response to the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. Witnessing the embrace of communal living and mutual support in the Mendocino Community moved her profoundly. When invited to become their rabbi at age thirty, she eagerly accepted, finding solace and purpose in their midst.

Over the next thirty-five years, she became intertwined with the fabric of this community, learning as much as she taught and forming enduring bonds. Alongside, Rabbi Margaret met and married Mickey Chalfin, sharing thirty-three years of devoted companionship until his passing in March 2022.

Looking ahead to the challenges of our global future, she reflects on where she can make a meaningful difference. So far, the answer remains "right here," within this community that has become her home and source of inspiration. As time has passed, she has grown more introspective and contemplative, finding solace in art and embracing this new phase of widowhood with gratitude for the richness of life's experiences.

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How does it feel to be 72?

Why did you retire or why are you still working?

Why did you retire?

Why are you still working?

I haven’t retired yet. Our Jewish community is changing demographically, with more younger people and people of all ages, new to the Coast. After decades of soloing, I now work with a wonderful young rabbi. She is bringing new ways, while I am like the keel of a boat, with long relationships and lots of experience. Our work feels complementary, rhythmic, braided. I'm excited by the changes. I feel a commitment to the people who were here when I arrived, who are now late in life.

For personal reasons I am still working. I am 66 and healthy, and hopefully have energetic years ahead. I’m not quite ready for the rocking chair. Nor am I hot to start a new project or endeavor somewhere else. I’m grateful to still earn a salary.

Mostly it just still works — I love people here. I get to think and learn about things I care deeply about. I feel hopeful and inspired by the people. I still feel like I have energy and spirit to contribute. I look ahead to a challenging global future and ask myself where I can possibly be of service. So far the answer seems to be “right here.”

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What do you look forward to?

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What is your biggest concern?

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Life expectancy 2023


About the photographer

Joyce Perlman


Based in Northern California. An artist, photojournalist, storyteller and educator, my true passion lies in capturing the beauty and complexity of real-life focusing on everyday moments of people in their natural environments.

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