The 72-year-old author and physician Dr. Rüdiger Dahlke, known for his holistic "Integral Medicine" approach, is highly regarded in German-speaking countries, including Austria and Switzerland. His bestseller from the 1990s, "Disease as a Symbol," explores the hypothesis that diseases are expressions of hidden psychological agendas, which was a huge revelation to me. His many best-selling books are currently available in over 28 languages, and he continues to contribute to the well-being of people by educating healers through online seminars and conducting workshops at healing centers in Germany and Austria. During winter, he either resides in Cyprus or travels. The series shows Ruediger conducting a wine-fasting and hiking seminar with a group of about 40 people at the healing center TamanGa, in the beautiful Steiermark region of Austria, set in late summer.
How does it feel to be 72?
Why did you retire or why are you still working?
Why did you retire?
Why are you still working?
In fact, I haven't had to work for financial reasons since I was 32. Since then, my bestselling books and their readers have thankfully taken over my financial provisions. Writing is a vital elixir for me. It has long taken the form of writing meditation, preferably in a very beautiful place in Cyprus. Relaxed and meditating, I let my gaze wander into the distance while I perceive inspirations on the topic of the book. Feeling connected with Mother Earth and the celestial realm, I envision letting them in through the roots of my feet and the crown chakra at the top of my head. When both flows meet in the heart, I let them dance from there into my fingers and onto the keyboard.
The other work, such as the online training courses at Younity, or workshops via my platform Dahlke4you and my live weekly seminars at the TamanGa center, also fill me with joy. Why should I give up all this when so many people still want to listen to me? And I dream of passing on my knowledge and keeping it alive when I have to or when I’m allowed to go.