Marilyn Delanoeye, 72, pauses during a walk in her neighborhood.
Marilyn Delanoeye, 72, pauses during a walk in her neighborhood.

Retirement was the last thing on Marilyn Delanoeye’s mind. She loved her job as Vice President of Hospitality and Private Events for an important cultural center in Los Angeles.

But then three things happened. The pandemic. A huge change in management at the office when the beloved founder of the cultural center retired. And the hardest of all: the rapid decline and death of her husband of thirty-one years, who had lived with Parkinson’s disease for the past 15 years. She retired as the pandemic raged and struggled to comfort and care for her husband and then cope with his death.

Today she is still healing, and active. She travels with friends, she has adopted two cats, she regularly invites friends over and cooks for them, she attends local cultural events and lectures, she goes out for karaoke, she takes long walks. She is living a new chapter in her life.

“It bothers me no end that when I tell someone that I am retired. They focus almost exclusively on the ‘tired’ and completely disregard the ‘re,’ says Marilyn, who is 72-years-old. “Re, as in reboot, restore, regenerate. Start afresh. Refresh.

“The stereotypic image of a retiree is of one being put out to pasture,” she continues. “She can’t run the race anymore. No longer a producer.  No longer a player.  All totally incorrect assumptions.”

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How does it feel to be 72?

Why did you retire or why are you still working?

Why did you retire?

Why are you still working?

It was a perfect storm of events [the pandemic, her boss’ retirement, and her husband’s illness]. If it had been only one thing, or maybe even two, I would have kept working. But the three together were more than I could handle.

I miss my colleagues, who were also my friends.  The synergy that is created through group think was invigorating. Problem solving is fulfilling, and I miss “making things happen.” I miss that sense of purpose.

The best part of not having a full-time job is freedom! Not having to try to juggle a schedule to squeeze in a doctor’s appointment.  Being able to schedule an impromptu lunch with friends.  I definitely do NOT miss the 12 plus hours a week of commute time in L.A. traffic!

Naturally, anything that involves budgeting or making reservations for travel is planned several months in advance, but my calendar has taken on a flow that allows for more spontaneity.  If something is not on the calendar for coming weekend, I have the option  of making plans, or simply enjoying a quiet time spent in the company of my two cats.  Not quite the crazy cat lady yet, though. Stay tuned.

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What do you look forward to?

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What is your biggest concern?

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Life expectancy 2023


About the photographer

Sara Terry


Sara Terry is an award-winning documentary photographer and filmmaker, and a member of VII photo agency, who is best known for her work as a post-conflict storyteller.

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