Charlene Hutchinson calls for her granddaughter to come over to the car for pickup.
Charlene Hutchinson calls for her granddaughter to come over to the car for pickup.

Born in 1958, Charlene Hutchinson is a mother of three and dedicated most of her life to raising them. After the birth of her first child, she resigned from her position at UPS to become a stay-at-home mother. She continued taking care of them until they reached grade school. Once her children entered the school system, she began working as an administrative assistant, among other roles.

When her children moved on to middle school, she re-entered the workforce. While looking after her kids and working full time, she also took night college classes to earn her master’s degree in business management. In 2006, Charlene graduated with a master’s degree in business and a Six Sigma Black Belt certification.

As her children grew up and entered the workforce, Charlene continued to advance her career until she heard news that her oldest son was having her first grandchild. At this moment, she faced an important choice. Charlene saw this as the perfect opportunity to retire from her career and return to her roots that started this whole journey. She packed up her life, sold her home of 35 years in Ohio, and moved to Texas to begin a new chapter of her life as a grandmother. It has been five years since Charlene made that decision, and she still maintains today that it was the best choice she has ever made.

The more you learn about Charlene, the more you realize that she has truly dedicated her life to helping people grow and improve themselves. This passion began with her children coming into her life and continues to this day as she spends her days retired, watching her granddaughter.

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How does it feel to be 72?

Why did you retire or why are you still working?

Why did you retire?

Why are you still working?

At a point in my career when I was downsized, I had a decision to make. What would be my next step? I took the time off to contemplate the next phase of my professional career.

Then I received the most amazing news. My son told me I was going to be a grandmother. His family lived in Texas and I was in Ohio. I knew I wanted to be a part of my grandchild’s life. I couldn’t bear to see the child twice a year. That made the decision to retire early easy.

I sold my house, packed everything and moved to Texas. My son and his wife both worked full time. I wanted to be there to support them and care for my granddaughter. That decision was the best one I have ever made. Taking care of my granddaughter full time allowed us to create such a bond I would not have if I did not retire early and move.

My children are the most important people in my life. Having a granddaughter to love and watch grow is amazing. My relationship with her is worth more than any career.

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What do you look forward to?

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What is your biggest concern?


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Life expectancy 2023


About the photographer

Justin Rominski

San Antonio

Justin Rominski is a San Antonio-based photographer who captures the intricacies of daily life. His goal is to create a photographic legacy that allows others to relive his experiences and see the world through his lens.

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